Tuesday 6 August 2024

Columbus or Bust - Sunday


Sunday was going home day, so not too much to report, other than the journey. We had anticipated heading out to Baltimore this day, but rejigged things and used our Saturday more productively, and now all we had to do was pack and drive.

The Airbnb was a really nice little place to stay, a two-bedroomed family home in a good neighbourhood, on a quiet street. I’d guess it was built just before, or just after ,1920 and in it’s Dutch Barn style was good and solid. Some of the doors and windows looked original, and quite a lot of the internal wood most certainly was original. Downstairs, some modern wood flooring had been put down on the original surface, but the stairs and the upstairs floors were all thin boards and as squeaky as you like.

In the kitchen and dining area it was fitted out as any family home would be, with everything you’d expect to find in a modern kitchen. The front room wasn’t dominated by a TV because the owners had installed a ceiling mounted projector and a self-deploying screen. Add the good stereo speaker system and Apple TV and it was a very good home entertainment system. Not that we needed the facility, but we used it out of curiosity.

I hadn’t really thought about it, but the front door opened straight into the living room, although outside the door was under a copious porch area. Fine in the summer, and the storm door showed that, but for the winter, maybe not. The front porch was set up nicely to sit, it was north facing so shady, and the rear of the house had a nice deck with patio furniture and a couple of shade sails, which you’d need as that was south facing.

The neighbourhood of Clintonville is today quite trendy, with a fair bit of gentrification, especially towards the river. North High Street was booming, and the presence of niche restaurants and Pride flags gives you an idea of the local ambience. Indeed, the bulk of the area looked to be untouched by modern life, apart from the cars lining the streets, which is nice to see in a country where tearing down the old is a national sport.

Prior to departure, we did a quick dash down to the vegan bakery again, just to top up supplies you understand. Sunday traffic was light, so it was an easy run down North High Street and back. As quite large cities go, I have to say that Columbus is a very nice place to be.

Ready for the off, we loaded the car and headed northwest, towards Findlay and the I75. Trusting to Google Maps again, the lady in the device took us up alongside the Olentangy River for quite a distance, which was a nice drive on a Sunday morning. I had to stop for fuel and was once again slightly perplexed as to what happened to the requirement to add your Zip code to the gas pump in order to verify your credit card. Obviously, we don’t have a Zip code, us being Canadian and all, but there was a neat little workaround you could use. It took me a second, this time around, to realise that I’d put a PIN number in and that was the required verification. When we were taking the trailer on long runs in the USA, they were still using the magnetic strip on the credit card, not the chip as they do now. Perplexedness solved.

Google had us heading up to Upper Sandusky this time, on a multi-lane highway, which is how I thought we’d arrive on Friday. I think because Google finds the quickest route based on live traffic conditions, it must have decided that the construction works at Stratford would have delayed us too much so sent us down the smaller country roads through Kenton. Either way, progress was pretty good.

We stopped again at Bowling Green, on the northbound side this time of course, not too far north of Findlay and not too far south of Toledo. It was still scarily hot, and you don’t understand that until you get out of the air-conditioned car. Our snack lunch was taken quickly!

Toledo was negotiated, then were back in bumpy Michigan and pressing onto Detroit. As we approached, the sun was glinting off the new bridge, and I have to say that it looks even more impressive than in the (many) videos on YouTube. The bridge deck is one span now, but it’s not likely to be open for another year yet, which is a year too long in my book, especially as we were about to negotiate the Ambassador Bridge.

The Ambassador Bridge is ninety years old and has developed into the busiest land crossing in the US and Canada. Unfortunately, it has suffered from a chronic lack of investment because it’s privately owned. Betraying my socialist leanings, I can’t help thinking that its lack of development, and even basic maintenance, has suffered in the name of profit. It also predates all the main highways, so at both ends, traffic is dumped straight into either Windsor or Detroit, and not on a nice, speedy highway. The new bridge isn’t privately owned (phew!), and doesn’t shy away from highways, with Ontario’s Highway 401 being extended right to the bridge on the Canadian side, and a new connection with Michigan’s I75 being constructed on the US side. The future looks bright, but for now we’re stuck with the old bridge. Remember I was talking about Chip and PIN credit cards? Well, the Ambassador Bridge still uses the magnetic strip technology, which is slow and awkward – see, no investment.

Twisting roads get you up on the bridge, and then drops you down onto Windsor’s Huron Church Road. But not before the Border Service people have had a squint at your passport. Normally, crossing back into Canada is quite easy, and there are rarely queues. Unfortunately, on this Sunday, there were lines a plenty, so it was on with the patient heads. Once at the kiosk, the young woman was polite, professional and friendly. I handed her the passports all open to the right page, then made sure all the car windows were open so that she could see inside, which are two simple things you can do to make transit much easier. She’d taken her time with a few of the cars ahead of us, but we breezed through and I’m fairly sure that my little tricks to ease the way went some way to helping.

Then it was Huron Church Road. Three lanes either side, with a built median and lots of Stop lights. It pays to not get stuck behind trucks because they tend to move off from the lights slowly, but this day the centre lane was full of trucks and the right lane was full of people dithering about whether they wanted Tim Hortons or McDonalds. Once they’re moving, those big rigs really move, and it’s a 60kph limit there. I’m doing early 80 and I’m being harassed by one truck behind me because he wants to go faster, so he dives into the right lane and starts a passing move on me. He gets about two thirds of the way past then realizes there’s a slow vehicle in his lane, so on goes his blinker and he starts to move into my lane. Ordinarily I can’t be bothered to fight these idiots and I just move out of their way. Today though, two things made me hold my ground. Firstly, diving to the right to pass is a moving violation, and that’s on top of the speeding. Secondly, I needed one of the two right lanes to make the turn to the 401 a few yards ahead, and I wasn’t going to be pushed out of lane to miss my turn because of a twat like that. So, I stayed where I was. His blinker kept going but he wasn’t going to side swipe me, and I wasn’t going to be intimidated. I won that one because he did back off. On the 401 itself, 100kph limit, he comes flying past me on my left (better), but he’s both speeding and occupying the left lane, which is also a moving violation for a truck of that size. Of course, out on the main part of the highway where the limit is higher, I breezed past him and went on my way. Indeed, I could have backed off at the point he was trying to force his way past and still have been ahead of him, but I’m damned if I’m going to let a jackass like that intimidate me. Of course, I would have yielded to avoid a collision, but while I felt confident that I was OK, then I was going to stick to my right of way. We did take a photo of his licence plate, but I doubt I will get around to reporting him. Had I had a dashcam then maybe I would have.

After that bit of excitement, it was a clear run home. Five hours in total (stops and border had added an hour) and a total distance over the weekend a few kilometres short of 900. I only started feeling a bit drowsy in the last ten kilometres, which was pretty good, too.

The football was an experience, even if the result wasn’t, and the visit to Basil was excellent. Columbus is a great city, and our house for the weekend was lovely. Now, if we could just get Michigan to fix its roads…


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